Is it ever too early to seek a mentor?

Certainly not—you never know how a mentor at any stage of your life can shape your next chapter!

— Lauren D

No, even if it's someone helping you with homework or deciding classes.

— Tatiana M

What do you wish you knew in high school?

Play to your strengths. Worry less about your weaknesses and work on getting better at what you are good at and like.

— Ana C

I wish I knew to keep my options open! I was always singularly focused, and looking back it would have been good to broaden the opportunity set I was considering.

— Tatiana M

When you think back to high school, are you currently doing what you imagined at the time?

Definitely not! I wanted to be a veterinarian and was very focused on science classes. I redirected in college and now am a corporate lawyer!

— Lauren D

Yes and no! I always wanted a career in business or as an attorney, and do have a career in the business world. But I didn't know that my job in commercial real estate existed! I thought I'd be working in more traditional finance.

— Tatiana M

What is one lesson you learned early on as a young professional?

To go the extra mile, be proactive, be kind, dependable and honest. You WILL stand out. 

— Ashli S

Take accountability for your mistakes and actions. So many of us driven young women are Type A perfectionists- however early in our careers while we are still learning the ropes (and once we become experts) mistakes and errors are bound to happen. My team was always accepting and moved on quickly the moments I held myself accountable. Honesty with sincerity will take you far, I promise!

— Melissa H

Do you have a daily routine that you feel contributes significantly to your success?

Yes- I am a creature of habit and always start my day with exercise. It clears my mind, wakes me up and prepares me for my day! I also have a cup of tea in the afternoon as a small break. Taking ten minutes to reset can help you be more productive!

— Lauren D

My mornings are sacred. I have the same routine every single morning and I never take meetings before 11am. I feel that if you can get the right momentum going first thing you’ll be set up for success for the rest of the day. 

— Ashli S